Re: Anti Hijacking tools

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Sat, 28 Jan 1995 12:43:34 -0500

>> I don't call it a solution either, but more because the security can
>> so easily be defeated with the help of a reboot.
> Can't you reload kernel itself in kmem?  Why reboot?

With my code, you can't open /dev/mem or /dev/kmem for write - even as
root - after you lock the door.

> OW 3.0 & 3.0_U1 (that's for Solaris 1.1.X) [...]  Of course you can
> recommend using motif..

This sounds as though you're confusing client-side L&F specs with
servers.  Motif is a L&F spec and an implementation of that spec; OW is
a whole environment, but the relevant part here is the server.  One
could run mwm and (other) Motif clients on an OW server just fine...and
OL clients and window manager on any other server (provided PostScript
isn't needed, of course).

(Personally, I stand aside from the OL-vs-Motif squabble, since I find
them both comparably intolerable.  Sort of like seeing people arguing
over whether they'd rather be executed by guillotine or hanging.  Not
that window system religious wars are really bugtraq fodder....)

					der Mouse